Ethical Scholarship Working Policy

Working Policy 2:158:2-6 covers ethical scholarly conduct.

Ethics in Academic Freedom (2:158:2)

The faculty member must maintain high standards of truthfulness, decency, and moral integrity. 他/她不得援引对学术自由的保护,或在他/她作为学者的能力范围之外的领域提供咨询(见政策#2:159)。.

教员可以不受约束地调查和研究本学科或与其相关的任何问题, 教员必须认识到管理享有这种自由的人的责任(见政策#2:158:2-4和附录2-B)。.

Ethics in Scholarly Endeavor (2:158:3)

Faculty are expected to adhere to high ethical standards in the conduct of research, scholarly publication, and other scholarly endeavors. Clearly formulated policies and procedures affirm and safeguard these standards of ethical conduct. Violations of ethical conduct such as academic fraud, academic misconduct, 以下政策#2:158:3:1-4中定义的剽窃和利益冲突将受到大学的调查, censure and discipline.

Definition of Research Misconduct (2:158:3:1)

Research misconduct has been defined by the federal government (Part 689, Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations B Public Welfare) to mean: fabrication, falsification, or  plagiarism in proposing, carrying out, or reporting the results of research.

Definition of Retaliation- Academic Misconduct

对报告或提供有关可疑或涉嫌的研究或学术不端行为的信息的人采取任何不利行动或已知的任何形式的威胁……未能遵守联邦保护研究人员的要求, human subjects, or the public or for ensuring the welfare of laboratory animals; or failure to meet other material legal requirements governing research will also be defined as retaliation and academic misconduct.

Definition of Academic Fraud (2:158:3:2)

Fraud is a serious threat to the intellectual integrity of a university. It is a form of cheating or dishonesty, false citation, false data, or multiple submission of work previously submitted at this or another other institution.  It is not honest error or poor scholarship: it is intentional deception. Allegations of fraud therefore involve the intent and motive of the accused.

美国学院和大学协会对欺诈的具体定义是:(1)数据的伪造,从捏造到欺骗性的选择性报道, including the purposeful omission of conflicting data with the intent to falsify results; (2) plagiarism, the representation of someone else’s work as one’s own (see policy #3:158:3:4); and (3) misappropriation of others’ ideas; the unauthorized use of privileged information however obtained (such as violation of confidentiality from a peer review).

Faculty members found to have committed fraud in scholarly endeavors become liable to a full range of discipline, including termination for unfitness (see policy #2:175:3).

Definition of Conflict of Interest in Research (2:158:3:3)

Conflict of interest in research arises when a faculty member’s research conduct, research findings and/or reporting are influenced by private financial interests or nepotism interests, 或者在进行或报告研究时,金钱或个人考虑可能损害专业判断的情况(另见政策# 2:15)。.

The university maintains objectivity in research by ensuring that the design, conduct, 或研究报告不受大学雇用的研究人员的任何经济利益冲突的影响,他们负责根据PHS法规42 CFR Part 50的规定进行研究, Subpart F, and 45 CFR Part 94.

Standards defining conflict of interest are detailed in the Andrews University Scholarly Research Handbook. Applicants for extramural funds are required to sign a statement that no conflict of interest exists.

Definition of Plagiarism (2:158:3:4)

Plagiarism, the act of representing another person’s work or ideas as one’s own, is a serious form of academic dishonesty for which a faculty member’s employment may be terminated.

For written material, Andrews University expects faculty to respect the intellectual property rights of others. 学校认可美国心理协会出版手册的以下要求, 5th Ed., 348-350, 387-396. For current information on Ethical Principles relevant to publishing, visit the American Psychological Association web site
Quotation marks should be used to indicate the exact words of another.

Summarizing a passage or rearranging the order of a sentence and changing some of the words is paraphrasing. Each time a source is paraphrased, a credit for the source needs to be included in the text.
Substantial portions or elements of another’s work or data should not be presented as one’s own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally.


Positive Environment for Ethical Scholarly Conduct (2:158:4)

大学旨在通过鼓励公开讨论和交流研究成果,提供一个促进道德诚信的环境, submission of work for peer review, commitment to self-regulation, emphasis on quality rather than quantity, collaboration and teamwork, maintenance of non-competitive professional relationships, generosity in recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of others. 大学要求遵守精心设计的协议,以保护研究对象,防止学术活动前后的粗心大意. (See also Appendix 2-C).

Research on Human Subjects (2:158:4:1)

Plans for research involving human subjects as defined in 45 CFR 46.102 must be reviewed and approved by the Andrews University Institutional Review Board (IRB). 收集数据的条件必须符合bet365中文大学伦理委员会书面程序(手册)中规定的道德和法律要求。, an assurance of Compliance with the HHS Regulations for Protection of Human Subjects Research. No data may be collected from human subjects before written notification of approval is received by the investigator. 未经批准进行人体研究的个人不受大学责任保护,并可能受到大学的纪律处分.

Research on Animal Subjects (2:158:4:2)

非人类活体动物的研究须经bet365中文大学机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)的审查和批准。. bet365中文大学保证所有涉及动物的研究都按照美国国立卫生研究院关于动物护理和使用的指导方针进行.  该委员会使用州和联邦机构制定的道德和监管标准来确定拟议的研究是否需要使用活体动物, that such animals will be humanely cared for, and that pain and suffering entailed in the experiment are minimized. Animals may not be purchased for research or teaching, nor experiments begun, until the protocol, describing their use has been approved by the committee.

Primary Responsibility for Ethical Scholarly Conduct (2:158:5)

Primary responsibility for the ethical conduct of a faculty member rests with the individual faculty member. 研究项目的首席研究员对与他/她有关的所有研究活动的伦理行为负有主要责任,包括以他/她的名义进行和发表的研究的真实性. He/she should on behalf of the university maintain a high standard of intellectual honesty in his/her environment, 对与他/她的研究项目相关的所有员工和学生进行充分的监督,并对所有对工作做出贡献的调查人员和同事给予应有的赞扬. Such contributors and collaborators, on the other hand, 对共同作者的工作承担自己的道德责任,并应准备好支持和捍卫他们的结论.

Safeguards for Ethical Scholarly Endeavor (2:158:6)

To fulfill its own obligations to promote ethical scholarly endeavors, the university makes two requirements:

  1. Statement of acceptance of responsibility: First, 大学要求申请大学资助或提交校外资助和赞助提案的教师调查员签署一份声明,接受在bet365中文大学工作政策中包含的指导方针内的道德行为责任(参见附录2-C)。.
  2. Investigation of Complaints of Unethical Academic Conduct: Second, the university requires prompt, 在研究调查完成之前或之后,当有关不道德行为的指控或证据被举报时,在明确制定的大学政策指导方针内进行公正的处理和上诉(另见政策附录2-C)。.